About Us

Who we are

Established in 1973, the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) is a non-profit and independent business association held by the private sector with its primary objective to foster stronger commercial relations between Brazil and Canada. The Chamber is led by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of industry leaders and experts in conducting business between the two countries.

The BCCC plays a vital role in linking players from Brazilian and Canadian private and government sectors. Through networking, advocacy and insight, we assist our members to identify critical opportunities in expanding their commercial activities, and further their business interests across borders.

What We Offer

Access to an unrivalled network of institutions, executives/entrepreneurs conducting business between Brazil/Canada.

Access to Brazilian/Canadian dignitaries and trade-missions organized by public (e.g., Ministries) and private (e.g., Industry groups) stakeholders.

Exclusive sectoral events focused on identifying and promoting investment opportunities between Brazil and Canada (e.g., government priorities/projects, funding programs).


BCCC Chapters

We are a proud Canada-wide chamber based in Toronto, ON, with five (5) chapters around the country: Ottawa, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Alberta.

Gustavo Zentner
Co-Chair | InterPOC

Dave Owens
Co-Chair | Vale

Fernanda Whitaker
Co-Chair | Innovate BC

Ingrid Polini
Co-Chair |Maple Bridge Ventures

Bernadette Fernandes
Co-Chair | The Varanda Network

Peter Shaw
Co-Chair | Port Saint John

Laila Hawrylyshyn
Chair | Crestview Strategy

Patricia Garcia da Rosa
Co-Chair | PGR Global Consulting

Igor Almeida
Co-Chair | KPMG

Henrique Bilbao
Co-Chair | Harpa Global

Alessandra Hoffmann
Co-Chair | EZOK

Marcos Miranda
Chair | The Discovery Centre International

Operational Committees

Marcio Pereira
Chair | BMA Law

Edson Ribeiro
Vale S.A.

Daniel Ricica
Vice-Chair | KPMG

Ana Candida de Mello Carvalho

Richard Freund

Marcelo Sarkis
Co-Chair | Prima IP

Ana Cristina Muller

Dr. Margareth Zanchetta
Toronto Metropolitan University – TMU

Richard Freund

Ted Hewitt

Raquel Boechat
Co-Chair | Canada Starthub

Bruno Guilhem

Eduardo Fleury

Salo Rapoport
CEscon Barrieu

Laura Wood
Chair | Centennial College

Peter Hawkins

Tiago Martins
Seneca Polytechnic

Marcelo Sarkis
Prima IP

Atus Martins
Centennial College

Ted Hewitt

Paulo Silva
Smrt English

Rafael Benke
Chair | Proactiva Results

Ana Christina Muller

Kate O’Reilly

Paola Saad
Mandala Group

Jamile Cruz
Vice-Chair | Rio Tinto

Bruno Guillem

Marcelo Sarkis
Prima IP

Ricardo Meirelles

Luciano Souza
Vice-Chair | Cescon Barrieu

Edson Ribeiro
Vale S.A.

Marcio Pereira

Dr. Laura Methot
I&D 101

Paola Saad

Co-Chair | Mandala Group

Ana Candida de Mello


Salo Rapoport

Co-Chair | Cescon Barrieu

Bianca Lopes Barbosa


Paula Vieira

Mattos Filho

Philippe Jeffrey

Vice-Chair | FCR Law

Management & Board of Directors

Peter Hawkins | MELLOHAWK Logistics

Co-Chair of the BCCC

Daniel Ricica | KPMG

Co-Chair of the BCCC

Frederico Marques | CAPZUL

Director of the BCCC

Paola Saad | Mandala Group

Director of the BCCC

Ted Hewitt | Social Science and Humanities Research Council

Director of the BCCC and Honorary Member

Marcelo Sarkis| Prima IP

Director of the BCCC and Co-Chair of BCCC IST Committee

Edson Ribeiro | Vale Base Metals

Director of the BCCC

Daniel Ricica | KPMG

Co-Chair of the BCCC

Peter Hawkins | MELLOHAWK Logistics

Co-Chair of the BCCC

Edson Ribeiro | Vale Canada

Director of the BCCC

Frederico Marques | CAPZUL

Director of the BCCC

Marcelo Sarkis |Prima IP

Director of the BCCC

Paola Saad |  Mandala Group

Director of the BCCC

Ted Hewitt | SSHRC

Director of the BCCC

Andre Borges | Brookfield

Director of the BCCC

Eduardo Fleury | FCR Law

Director of the BCCC

Gustavo Zentner | InterPoc

Director of the BCCC

Jamile Cruz | Rio Tinto

Director of the BCCC

Marcio Pererira | BMA

Director of the BCCC

Rafael Benke | Proactiva Results

Director of the BCCC

Raquel Boechat |Canada Starthub

Director of the BCCC

Ricardo Meirelles 

Director of the BCCC

John Welch

Executive Director at the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce

Ted Hewitt

President at Social Services and Humanities Research Council

Frederico Marques


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