Resource Kit for COVID-19 – Brazil

Brazilian Federal Government
The Brazilian Office of the Controller General has launched a website with the main actions from the Brazilian Government to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Here you can find the latest updates from the Ministry of Health as well as information on support programs, federal spending, transparency, research & innovation and new legislation updates.
Here you can find the latest information from SEBRAE on the support mechanisms for Small & Medium enterprises. The Brazilian Micro and Small Enterprises’ Support Service, is a Brazilian autonomous social institution whose aim is to foster the development of micro and small enterprises stimulating entrepreneurship in the country.
The Brazilian Government has launch a portal listing all activities deemed essential to guarantee access to health, supply chain and safety of all citizens. Please note that States and Municipalities have also the autonomy to declare what is deemed essential for each jurisdiction. We recommend to always consult the federal, state and municipal level restrictions.
State Level Updates
The official website of the state of Minas Gerais containing the latest information on actions taken to fight the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and keep the population safe. Includes a list of essential services as well as a FAQ to the public.
The official website of the state of Bahia containing the latest information on actions taken to fight the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and keep the population safe. Includes a list of essential services as well as a FAQ to the public.
BCCC Recommends - Useful LinkedIn pages
Invest in Brazil:
Invest in Brazil is the brand that identifies the investment promotion initiatives of Apex-Brasil – the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency -, whose mission is to develop the competitiveness of Brazilian companies, promoting the internationalization of their operations and the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI).
FCR Law:
Latest News about the impact of COVID-19 for Brazilian businesses. Information available in Portuguese, English, French and German.