Brazil Green Energy Summit
The Net-Zero Circle by IN-VR is organizing the official Brazil Green Energy Summit, which will take place on August 30th-31st in Rio de Janeiro, under the support of ANP, Brazil’s National Hydrocarbons Agency, the Department of International Trade and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
The Brazil Green Energy Summit will gather national energy stakeholders together with regional trailblazers and global energy leaders to strategize Brazil’s energy transition future and the new opportunities created for green companies through the prioritization of green projects in Brazil’s energy matrix, north eastern winds and solar power.
Participants will hear from the energy sector and other global experts who will share their insights and recommendations to place Brazil at the forefront of the global energy transition. Brazil’s thriving economy, growing population and abundance of renewable energy resources make the nation a contender for net-zero leadership.
Check the agenda:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, RJ